Tman Xpress & 3D a.k.a. Uchu / Umdanso Wenyanga ZEN RYDAZ RMX
KOKO-123 / Digital / On Sale 7th Jan 2023
Available on Bandcamp

Amapiano is a dance music from South Africa that has been spreading all over the world.
3D a.k.a. Uchu, a producer living in Shunan, Yamaguchi Prefecture, who continues to commit himself to the Amapiano scene of dance music originating in South Africa, which is spreading worldwide, has produced a song with singer/producer TmanXpress, who has already gained a great deal of support in South Africa.
Umdanso Wenyanga (Moon Dance) is RMXed by ZEN RYDAZ!

CROSSPOINT of the Far East in the Northern Hemisphere and the Far West in the Southern Hemisphere, the very opposite of each other!
Please feel the sound of the earth, where the sound of oriental violin is the melting pot of the two!

(Original/Instrumental released last month is also included)

全世界的な広がりを見せる南アフリカ発祥のダンスミュージックAmapianoのシーンと 独自にコミットし続ける山口県周南在住プロデューサー3D a.k.a. Uchuが南アフリカでは既に大きなプロップスを得るシンガー/プロデューサーのTmanXpressと制作した楽曲
Umdanso Wenyanga(Moon Dance)をZEN RYDAZがRMX!




01. Umdanso Wenyanga ZEN RYDAZ RMX (3:48)
      Violin : KYOKO OIKAWA

02. Umdanso Wenyanga ZEN RYDAZ RMX INST (3:48)
      Violin : KYOKO OIKAWA

03. Umdanso Wenyanga Original (6:54)
      PRODUCED BY 3D a.k.a. Uchu & Tman Xpress

04. Umdanso Wenyanga Original INST (6:54)
      PRODUCED BY 3D a.k.a. Uchu & Tman Xpress

Design : UCHUKANKAKU & sati.
3D a.k.a. Uchu

DJ /sound producer /graphic designer based in Shunan City, Yamaguchi.

In 1996, Started DJing and band activities. In 2000, Moved to England to polish graphic design and painting skills. In London, collaborated with British brand [Jas M B], produced some music with Kay Suzuki [Time Capsule], and also actively performed as a DJ. After returning to Japan in 2005, joined a 'nostalgic' jam band "Kokoro to Kakera" and a cumbia band "Mucha Familia" afterwards. As a DJ, got more into Latin - Afro at that time. As a result, in 2020, happened to know about South African dance music AMAPIANO and started the first AMAPIANO-specialized party [yAMAPIANO] in western Japan. In summer 2021, started composing AMAPIANO muisc. In April 2022, released “yAMAPIANO EP” and was featured on a South African radio and an entertainment magazine.
Since then, have released music at a monthly basis. Many SA artists such as Teno Afrika, who inspired him to start collaborating with South African artists, also got involved in them. Has a wide range of activities such as producing their songs and designing cover arts. Even now expanding. Often introduces South Africans to South Africans, which is quite rare for a Japanese artist. Considering that 88% of the listeners are South Africans, you can see the growing local attention to him.
Released "Umdanso Wenyanga EP" with TmanXpress this April 30th. In May, its remix EP is also scheduled to be dropped. One of the songs will be remixed by ZEN RYDAZ led by JUZU a.k.a. MOOCHY who 3D has had a long relationship with since he was young, like 18.

山口県周南ア在住のDJ/ プロデューサー/ グラフィックデザイナー。

2021年夏、作曲開始。翌22年4月に「yAMAPIANO EP」をリリースし、南アのラジオやエンタメ誌でも取り上げられる。その後月1ペースで作品をリリース。
いずれもTmanXpressやVusinator、Teno Afrikaなど南アのアーティストも多数参加しており、また交流も深く、現地アーティストの曲のプロデュースや、カバーアートのデザインをするなど活動の幅を拡大中。
南ア人に南ア人を紹介することも多く、そんな日本人も珍しい。今春にはTmanXpressと「Umdanso Wenyanga EP」を、 またNhlanhla The Guitarist 、De Bablyy、Nxani RSAとのコレクティヴ「BLACCNESS iN BLOOD」としても続々作品発表中。

NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUNDのMACKA-CHIN、PART2STYLEのMaL、JUZU a.k.a. MOOCHY ことJ.A.K.A.M. 2019年 それぞれのフィールドで20年以上活動してきた同年代の個性派3人が、満を持してジャンルを越え”ZEN RYDAZ”として動き出す。
WORLD MUSICをテーマに、メンバーが旅して得た世界観、常にアップデートされていく其々の感性、追及から生まれるスキルを結集し、21世紀的ハイブリッドサウンドver3.0としてここTOKYOでクラクションを響き渡らす。
MADE IN JAPANの島リズムが生み出すZEN SOUNDはバウンシーでドープそして自由な発想と飽くなき音楽魂を”禅FLAVA” に乗せ、大空高くASIA発のニューライダーズサウンドとして言葉を越え世界にアップデートされたWORLD MUSIC を送信中。